About Me

My photo
Yarnland, State of Wool, Germany
I´m a total crafts junkie and started with knitting and crocheting when I was 10 years old. Over the years I got totally addicted to yarn and fibers and what you can do with them when you knit them or crochet them. Well, to make a long story short. I have to much yarn now! A lot of unfinished projects and I kept buying new yarn! This is the experiment, that in the next 365 days I will not buy any new yarn and will use up all the yarn I got to make things and then sell them in my onine store. At the end of this year I will donate 5% of my earnings to a good cause, which I still have to find. Please feel free to add me, follow my blog, subsribe or just e-mail me to make suggestions for a good cause!

My etsy shop

Jan 26, 2010

Day 29 - Last minutes gifts....

Progress on the last minute christmas gift for a friend. She don´t like the touch of real wool or any scratchy wool or yarn. I first wanted to knit her thrummed mittens, but after she told me I let her touch the filling and she sisn´t liked it at all. So I didn´t know what to do, because I already got her a cool shirt but also wanted to give her something crafted from me.

When I went to the supermarket on monday, they had that really soft yarn, called Pom Pom...it´s like little Pom Pom connected through strings. It´s not my yarn, because you can´t be really creative with it. But I had the idea that she will like it because it feels like a fleece jacket. So I bought four skeins in a nice rad color and will do a scarf/ cowl for her.

It will be the first and the last time I have knittted with this yarn, it´s definitively something for beginners but not for people who know how to knit like me.

Here are the pics:

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