About Me

My photo
Yarnland, State of Wool, Germany
I´m a total crafts junkie and started with knitting and crocheting when I was 10 years old. Over the years I got totally addicted to yarn and fibers and what you can do with them when you knit them or crochet them. Well, to make a long story short. I have to much yarn now! A lot of unfinished projects and I kept buying new yarn! This is the experiment, that in the next 365 days I will not buy any new yarn and will use up all the yarn I got to make things and then sell them in my onine store. At the end of this year I will donate 5% of my earnings to a good cause, which I still have to find. Please feel free to add me, follow my blog, subsribe or just e-mail me to make suggestions for a good cause!

My etsy shop

Feb 16, 2009

Monday mornings...

Ahh, it´s monday and the good thing about it is that I´m off work today and tomorrow. Which means a lot more time for my knitting and crocheting projects. And as if somebody in the clouds heard my wish I got my perfect weather for it.

It´s February, 16th 2009 and we have snow and really cold weather. I took a picture of it from my living room window. What do you think? Doesn´t it scream out loud:" Hot coco and cookie weather?".

Unfortunately I have to leave my apartment for a bit because I have to change Euros into British pound for my trip with friend to London next week and I have to go to the supermarket quick for some stuff.

But other than that I did everything yesterday, which means the rest of the day I will be in my comfy chair in my warm living room and continue on my Amigurumi I´m working on right now and also up to date my new ravelry Account.

So enjoy your monday, where ever you are in the world and keep knitting or chrocheting or any kind of craft you do.


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