About Me

My photo
Yarnland, State of Wool, Germany
I´m a total crafts junkie and started with knitting and crocheting when I was 10 years old. Over the years I got totally addicted to yarn and fibers and what you can do with them when you knit them or crochet them. Well, to make a long story short. I have to much yarn now! A lot of unfinished projects and I kept buying new yarn! This is the experiment, that in the next 365 days I will not buy any new yarn and will use up all the yarn I got to make things and then sell them in my onine store. At the end of this year I will donate 5% of my earnings to a good cause, which I still have to find. Please feel free to add me, follow my blog, subsribe or just e-mail me to make suggestions for a good cause!

My etsy shop

Dec 29, 2009

Day 1 ... making pictures and getting sorted!

So, I started to sort the yarn I have and get a good look at what I´m working with. Also I will spend the first day taking pictures, name them and file them and getting organized with everything. So there will be no pics today of projects or anything else! Sorry... but everything has to be planned wisely!

Goodbye for now and enjoy your time in Yarnland! :-D

A few hours later.....

WELL!!!! I´m still sorting the yarn but I had a coffee break and searched something in flickr, when I found a picture of a conact of mine. She posted pictures, which looked like old passport pictures. Really funny! So I tried a few and share them with you.

Have fun!

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